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what this house means to us

As a Millennial I receive all sorts of questions when I make our goals known. Many people in our generation value other things. They prefer a very social lifestyle, heading to cocktail hour after work, walking distance from their office, and living in an apartment right in the city. Traveling is a huge part of their lifestyle where they don't sit still, and explore nonstop. Which is GREAT, but this inconsistent lifestyle hasn't held any appeal to me. Don't get me wrong - there are some bucket list trips and places I want to go see. But truthfully I'm just someone who thrives off routine and finding the magic in the mundane. Living out of a travel bag is just not what would make me personally happy.

Not only that, but even the suburbs are very much a different lifestyle than Kody and I desire. While many gravitate to subdivisions with small lots, sidewalks, and walking/biking to a nearby downtown, we value nature and privacy over anything. After owning a home in my twenties in a sub, I learned more about myself and how I'd strategically get the mail and do chores at certain times to avoid my neighbors LOL.

there is no place like home

Kody and I had upbringings where we've been very close to nature. Growing up on ~1 acre lots, I remember going to my backyard catching turtles, butterflies, dragonflies - you name it. I would grow up obsessing over how my bedroom was designed and how the energy of the space made me feel. I also had a massive bedroom window in my childhood home which in hindsight made me realize the value that adds to the energy of your every day.

Additionally, I shared a room with my sister growing up, which was often rocky. Looking back, I would say sharing that room added a lot of value to the "when I grow up, I'm going to build my dream house" vision I would have. I'd design houses in the Sims and look at real estate magazines, so excited of all the possibilities. Fast forward to our mid-late twenties, and I'm so glad we are doing this endeavor at this age. When we have most of our lives to enjoy what we create, but not too early where we weren't sure of what we wanted.

a house is made of walls and beams, a home is built with love and dreams

So our vision is simple - create a space that enables our lifestyle. That allows us to learn and grow, and make memories with our loved ones. To bring all the elements of what we love into our every day. I am so thankful those elements are similar between me and Kody. So what do we love and what do we plan to bring into this home?

For me, it's wellness. It's building an environment that enables intentional rituals and routines. A spot to drink tea in nature, a soaker bathtub, a greenhouse for farm to table eating, a bed overlooking massive windows, a courtyard to read. Just focused on romanticizing the little moments that many overlook. Those are what bring me peace. In addition, this home for me is about design. A creative outlet for me to bring furniture and products on display that make me smile and inspire my every day.

For Kody, although the house is more of a place to rest his head haha, he's fully focused on bringing nature to the forefront of our lifestyle. A natural landscape that we feel fully immersed in - whether it's a late night fire in the woods, a morning hike on the trails, that is Kody's vision. He also is excited to have space. Space for his hobbies to work on cars and wood. Being on acreage is allowing him the opportunity to take care of land which he has always dreamed.

For the two of us, it's nature. It's big windows and a big property to bring nature into our every day. Not mowing acres of grass and dumping chemicals onto the ground, but our house being one with our surroundings. For us, it's also hosting friends and family. A gathering space. A place to make memories, celebrate life's moments - big or small, and giving back to host those family and friends that have been host to us for years and years.

home is where my habits have a habitat

When we were in our first house, we learned a lot. Working 60 hour work weeks, coming home to an old home with so many problems, in a sub we hated, and living for the weekend. We said over and over again this isn't what life is supposed to be like. We see a lot of people do similar to that, but they're looking forward to their next vacation. To me, home shouldn't be a place to rest your head, rush through the day, and look forward to your next vacation. I would read the quote: "build a life you don't need a vacation from", and I vowed this to myself. That I will build a home that driving up to every day feels like I'm at my oasis. That the lifestyle this home enables is what life is supposed to be like. Yes, we could go on some pretty great vacations and adventures if we spent our money differently. But to have that feeling of peace every day - every day - that is why home is so valuable to me. That is what our vision is for this home.

the ultimate luxury is being able to relax and enjoy your home

For more on our vision, check out our YouTube video here:

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