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Man oh man... Now I've spent plenty time in the woods before. Don't get me wrong. But I've quickly learned - this is different.

To those who don't know - our property is raw, virgin land. No previous developments or improvements. Nature just doing it's thing. I've walked through stretches of woods before and certainly plenty of trails. But maybe it's the fact that I'm now working in the woods for hours, that I've noticed the ergonomic and safety challenges associated with this haha.

I've tripped over stumps. Actually ate shit over stumps walking at full speed. Poked in the eyes by branches. Lost my tools and my tripod!! Sigh. Somewhere in the leaves and sticks. I've slid on my ass down hills covered in leaves or snow. With gratitude, have not experienced poison ivy/oak or encountered ticks, but have taken precautions against both of these.

I just had to share, chuckling to myself that I thought cleaning up the property would be like a walk in the woods or tending to a garden. Nope.

It's cruel - and that's all I have to say haha.

Friends and family that come for a tour are taken on a path of least resistance, walking slowly, with lots of warnings of the trip hazards. I wear safety glasses almost at all times now, until we have safely established trails. I even walk different picking my feet up more than I would otherwise. But overall, I just try to be one with it, appreciating the world around me and letting nature just be :)

Watch more on TikTok: @katylynnc_

For more on our property cleanup journey, you can watch our YouTube below:

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