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So I'm all for fences since they help divide off your territory. I didn't buy acreage so that surrounding neighbors could benefit off my tax dollars. Sorry. That sounds possessive lol. But just being honest.

So how do we add a barrier without sacrificing animals to travel through our property?

Kody's idea - way back, even before buying this parcel - was to add a 'natural barrier' surrounding our parcel. So we'd take fallen logs, rocks, brush, whatever already existing on the property, and assemble it into a straight line along the border. With the intentional straight line, it helps indicate the barrier between the parcels.

This helps allow for animal traffic to continue, but will better define our borders. If we were to use the surveyors' stakes all around the perimeter, it would be very costly to add so many. Not only that, but just tall metal stakes/signs can be stolen, knocked over in the wind, or not even seen in the wooded areas.

Not only do we intend to help neighbors identify the borders, but ourselves and our guests as well! It's human nature to wonder "am I getting close to the border?" and retreat a bit, to not disturb the neighbor. With this line, we can confidently take full advantage of our parcel.

Lucky for us that we have sooo many fallen logs at the parcel, so plenty of material to use for this natural boundary! Watch us assemble the barrier here:

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