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This personally would always interest me. How long does this actually take?

Below is our timeline, roughly up to this point in time. Eventually I'll be able to more confidently provide pointers to maybe save time here or there, but for now, here's our timeline:

Late 2018: Changed financial strategy, starting saving more money

Late 2019: Started saving even more aggressively

Mid-2020: Sold home, moved in with in-laws to save even more

Sept. 2021: Start looking for land more seriously

Jan. 2022: Offer accepted on land

Early 2022: Survey and inspection of land

Apr. 2022: Closed on land

Mar. 2022-present: With seller's permission :) started land cleanup. Cutting down invasive underbrush and moving dead trees into piles.

Mar. 2022: Started architect and builder interviews

Apr. 2022: Selected intended builder

May 2022: Selected architect

Jun. 2022: Architect site visit

Jul. 2022: Architect quits; selected new architect

Aug. 2022: Design reveal meeting with new architect

Oct. 2022: Phase 1 (overall design) complete with architect

Nov. 2022: Rethink/reconfigure floor plan

Dec. 2022: Phase 2 meeting with architect (3D model reveal). Complete interior design moodboards and ordering of material samples

Jan. 2023: Engineering complete site plan. Architect preliminary drawings complete; sent to builders for feedback

Jan-Mar. 2023: Collected builder feedback and interview new builders

Mar. 2023: Feedback sent to architect

Apr. 2023: Drawings updated; transitioned to final stage of drawing development (sections, beam sizes, roof heat calculations, etc.)

And there you have it! I'll continue updating this periodically. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to reach out!

*Disclaimer: The content on this website is based on our own opinions and personal experiences; it shall not be construed as legal, construction, safety, engineering, financial, insurance, or tax advice, and may be outdated or inaccurate. It is your responsibility to verify all information. Any links shared may provide the website owner an affiliate commission, at no additional cost to you.


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