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The pressure is on!!!

Something about buying land has just been so daunting to us. We've casually looked at land for years, but nothing truly spoke to us. Given we intend this to be our forever home, there's always been the question in the back of our heads, where is home? Where are we meant to be?!

A multitude of factors encouraged us to pick up our search more aggressively in late 2021. This included earning my real estate license, having saved a comfortable sum of money, and living in Kody's parents' basement over a year at that point.

I earned my license in July, and immediately started some auto-searches for myself on the MLS system. While I was still casually looking, Kody and I were celebrating our third wedding anniversary in September. Given the pandemic and our love we nature, we decided to just spend the time together at a picnic at a park we hadn't been to. As we were driving there, we realized: this is it. This is where our souls want to be.

It was an area we had visited before, but didn't have much reason to go out there. But it checked all the boxes. Untouched woods, hilly, close to family, close to the highway, good area.

This is it.

In fact, finding the area we wanted really felt like we had just won half the battle. But next is actually finding the parcel.

OK so we have the area. And we know our criteria:

  1. Wooded parcel

  2. Hills / good views

  3. Pond or a lower / wet area we could turn into a pond

  4. Close to family

  5. Close to the highway for work

  6. Near other higher valued homes / properties

  7. Not too far of a distance on a dirt road

  8. Not close to power lines or cell towers

  9. Not close to a main road (noise level)

So here we go - we'll keep you posted how this search goes!

*Disclaimer: The content on this website is based on our own opinions and personal experiences; it shall not be construed as legal, construction, safety, engineering, financial, insurance, or tax advice, and may be outdated or inaccurate. It is your responsibility to verify all information. Any links shared may provide the website owner an affiliate commission, at no additional cost to you.


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