Welllll we weren't expecting this.
After weeks of trying to get our architect to progress and follow the deadlines in HIS contract, he's backed away from our project. That sounds like we were evil enforcers haha but honestly - we were trying to be grateful and go with the flow, but he was just so slow! Upon just asking things to progress per the contract, he no longer wanted to work on our project.
I can hypothesize that he maybe took on too many projects, or that we were the smallest project he had, thus lowest on his priority list, but who knows. Thankfully there's no work paid up to this point and we can part our separate ways without conflict.
Gotta say one thing - this is a blessing in disguise.
Despite losing time with him, we are SO ready to find someone newer and better.
This is actually too funny to me when we've worked so hard on interviews. But I am SO glad we continued interviews while we had a hunch things might not work out with him.
*Tip: Know your worth! We were lucky he terminated the contract. But if it's not working out, you shouldn't be afraid to pull the plug either.
*Tip: Make sure your contract clearly identifies the process to occur where either party terminates the contract.
Just know that this stuff happens, don't panic, and you will find someone even better!!
Stay tuned :)
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