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We have good news!!! We found our new architect :) It is actually a local firm. While I was nervous previously regarding the cost of firms, this firm is very reasonably priced, while beyond talented.

We didn't interview this firm at first because I wanted someone who solely focused on my intended style home. While this firm does a range of styles, it shows their ability to adapt to client needs, their versatility, and creativity.

We attended an in-person design meeting at their office with the design director. While it is a firm, we enjoyed the small 1-on-1 type of meetings so that we could cover a lot of ground without taking too much time.

The first meeting with them was the first time - amongst all the interviews we had - that we were ready to sign the contract then and there. Here's what helped us make our decision, and things you may look for in your architect interviews:

  • Showed us their timeline and process, and how they are always in touch with you regarding when the next meeting is and when they will have stuff by. You don't really appreciate this until you have an architect that just wings it

  • Actually SKETCHED our floor plan and the rough start to the house in the first meeting. They called it a 'Design Discovery Meeting'

  • Specifically said "we could make you a pretty box but you don't want that"’ when previous architect said we’ll need to design a box due to budget!

  • Very transparent on pricing. The owner called me right away upon reaching out and shared their fees with me

We can't wait to get after it designing our dream home with them - stay tuned :)

Watch more on our YouTube below!

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