QUESTIONS WE ASKED IN OUR ARCHITECT INTERVIEWSHere were the questions we asked in our architect interviews: Are you interested in our project / do you have the availability to take...
BE PREPARED FOR THIS - WE WEREN'TSo during builder interviews, something became clear to us. A handful of the builders we interviewed all know each other. And were...
WHY WE ARE USING AN ARCHITECT INSTEAD OF A STOCK PLANYou may have found yourself searching through online stock plans before, daydreaming about what it would be like to live in one of those...
WHY WE ARE HAPPY WE BOUGHT LAND IN THE WINTERLooking back at our land transaction, we feel very lucky to have had the timing we did. Buying land and having the land due diligence...
UPDATE: OUR FIRST SEASON CHANGE AT THE PROPERTYEvery time we go to the property, we are amazed how much there is to explore...A new experience; a new discovery each time. Especially at...
WHAT I BOUGHT WHEN WE PURCHASED LANDOkay here's allll the things I've bought and found helpful once we bought this property. Metal stakes