WHAT OUR ARCHITECT NEEDED TO GET STARTEDI just wanted to give you a brief heads up of what to expect your architect will ask for from you, so you can hit the ground running!...
HOW I ORGANIZED MY HOME VISIONWell after going through 4000+ photos on my Pinterest, I can finally say I've officially prioritized the vision for our home design. I...
WHAT THIS HOUSE MEANS TO US (HOME VISION)As a Millennial I receive all sorts of questions when I make our goals known. Many people in our generation value other things. They...
A WORD OF CAUTION: ARCHITECTS ON THEIR OWNOK so I'm not here to hate on architects who aren't with a firm. I hired one! But just sharing some caution from OUR experience. If you...
HOW WE KNEW OUR ARCHITECT WAS THE ONE (AFTER THE FIRST ONE QUIT)We have good news!!! We found our new architect :) It is actually a local firm. While I was nervous previously regarding the cost of...
OUR ARCHITECT QUIT!Welllll we weren't expecting this. After weeks of trying to get our architect to progress and follow the deadlines in HIS contract, he's...